Admin’s IT Planning Office, part of the Program Management Office (PMO), oversees and processes IT planning requests submitted by agencies throughout the state as required by Proviso 117.117 of the 2019-2020 South Carolina Budget. Requests include proposed IT applications and associated expenditures greater than $50,000, along with all telecommunications requests.

Each submitted application is reviewed by the IT Planning Office and evaluated against the Statewide Strategic IT Plan, established state technical standards and policies, the agency's business needs, costs and current technology relevance. 

To assist with submitting an IT Plan, Admin has developed a web-based Information Technology (IT) Data Collection and Planning System for use by agencies and higher education institutions. This system provides users with a secure environment while simplifying and streamlining the state’s annual proviso-mandated IT data collection and planning effort.

To request access to the IT Data Collection and Planning System, please contact the Admin’s Program Management Office for further assistance.